
Michel Martelly officially inaugurates the Delmas Viaduct

Michel Martelly  officially inaugurates the Delmas Viaduct

Here is a picture of the Delmas Viaduct, inaugurated by President Michel Martelly.

On Friday, August 7th, the President Michel Martelly, accompanied by Prime Minister Evans Paul and other important dignitaries have inaugurated the Delmas Viaduct, an eight channel exchanger, which would connect the areas neighboring Delmas, Nazon and above all, overcome the traffic problems. It was a $16.5 million project with PetroCaribe Funding, the construction of which started in April 2013 by one Dominican construction firm 'Estrella' under the supervision of the firm LGL SA. President Martelly, in his inaugural speech has thanked all who had contributed to this great work. Before the work started, hundreds of buildings, schools, warehouses, churches on Delmas 17 and 9 were demolished to make way for this 550 meter bridge. The people used to stack their salvages on the roadside under the covers of tarpaulin. Not everyone was properly compensated.

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Hospital Universitaire de la Paix, Delmas

Hospital Universitaire de la Paix, Delmas

Addressing Haiti's dire health care needs and training of medical professionals is a real concern for the country.

In 2010, St. Joseph's Health System, one of the largest corporations in Canada devoted to health care, raised $1.7 million fund by an international outreach program and some part of the corpus was contributed to Hospital Universitaire de la Paix.

The hospital has also built a partnership with St. Mary's General Hospital in Kitchener for continuing its medical commitment and training Haitian physicians, nurses and allied health professionals. This unison will also facilitate the procurement of necessary technology, supplies and equipments under different aid programs.

Haiti has long suffered from poverty, corruption, political instability, lack of education and natural calamity. But it is a country which is never devoid of concern by other caring nations. The Hospital Universitaire de la Paix is regularly visited by renowned experienced volunteer doctors from countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Panama, and Canada. Contact: Hopital Universitaire de la Paix: Delmas 33; Medical Director: Dr. Marie Yolaine Noel St Fleur (Tel. : 3 404-0373, Mail : Administration: Mr. Jean Prophète Batichon (Tel.:3754-4017)

Other health facilities located in West Departement, near Hospital Universitaire de la Paix:
Centre Hospitalier Du Sacre Coeur
Diquini Hospital - (Adventist Hospital)
Hopital Asile Francais d'Haiti
Hospital Bernard Mevs
Hospital de la Trinité,
Hospital de l'Université d'État, Port-au-Prince
Hospital de Canapé Vert, Port-au-Prince
Hospital Saint-Damien (Nos Petits Frères et Soeurs), Tabarre
Hospital Saint-François de Sales
Hospital St Louis(Doctors without borders (MSF), French)

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Mayor of Delmas, Wilson Jeudy, received his Certificate of Discharge

Mayor of Delmas, Wilson Jeudy, received his Certificate of Discharge

Here is a picture of the Certificate of Discharge received by the Mayor of Delmas, Wilson Jeudy. This is expected to calm the nerves of some of his supporters who were determined that he received his discharge to participate in the next election scheduled for the end of the year. Wilson Jeudy is expected to register shortly as a candidate once again for the Mary of Delmas

Recall that last Thursday in middle of day, supporters of the outgoing mayor of Delmas, Wilson Jeudy, had demonstrated with violence in Delmas

Delmas Mayor Jeudy has received a discharge certificate releasing him from his duties as public funds manager of the Superior Court of Auditors and Administrative Disputes (SCAAD).

Supporters want him to run for another term and held violent protests to ensure his candidacy. Jeudy would not be able to mount a campaign for mayor without leave from his responsibilities at SCAAD.

Jeudy has held the mayor's office since 2006 under the Martelly government.

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Construction du viaduc de delmas

Construction du viaduc de delmas

There is a lot of confusion in Haiti trying to determine what exactly to call the new road development initiated by the Government of Martelly-Lamothe. Some say that Haiti is having a highway for the first time. Other say that this is not a highway but rather a bridge.

So what is it exactly? Is the government building a highway or not. Whatever it is, this is work that the government are doing to improve traffic in the Haitian Capital and considering all there traffic problems, we need it

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Haiti to build motorways over Carrefour and Delmas

Haiti to build motorways over Carrefour and Delmas

Here is a sign of a real plan for development in Haiti. The Haitian government has a plan to improve traffic condition in Port-au-Prince.
They will to build motorways over Carrefour and Delmas to alleviate traffic in these areas. Funding for the project is available and work expected to start soon.

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Haitian national Police destroyed Tents in Delma on order by Wilson Jeudy

Haitian national Police destroyed Tents in Delma on order by Wilson Jeudy

This is a picture where a tent city was constructed in the region of Delmas 3. The mayor of Delmas, Wilson Jeudy, ordered that the tents be destroyed and Haiti national Police eventually destroyed all tents in the area.

The tents that Mayor WSilson Jeudy ordered to be destroyed were built as temporary shelters for the victims of the 2010 earthquake.

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