
Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer Before Renovation

Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer Before Renovation

This is our historic Haitian Iron Market back in the days. The Marche en Fer in Port-au-Prince

Marche en Fer had its share of difficulties in the beginning of the 21st century. The iron market was decimated by a fire in 2008, and the 2010 earthquake gave it the final knock-out punch that actually brought the marche to its knee before the Digicel CEO paid for its renovation

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Denis O'Brien, CEO Of Digicel Who Renovated The Iron Market, Marche En Fer

Denis O'Brien, CEO Of Digicel Who Renovated The Iron Market, Marche En Fer

This is a picture of Denis O'Brien, CEO of Digicel and the Irish billionaire who donated 12 million for the project of renovating the Iron Market or Marche en Fer.

Marche Hyppolite was built in the 19th century and the plan was not to build a Marche. The French engineers made this structure to be used in Cairo, Egypt as a railway station

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Marche En Fer In Haiti Renovated By Denis O'Brien

Marche En Fer In Haiti Renovated By Denis O'Brien

Here is a photo of the new and renovated Haitian Iron Market, Marche en Fer. This picture was taken on the day of the reopening that was on January 12, 2011, exactly one year afteer it was destroyed by the earthquake

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Vie Inside Of The Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer After The Renovation

Vie Inside Of The Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer After The Renovation

This is a picture taken from the inside og Haitian Iron Market. The Marche en Fer was just renovated and this is a view of the inside that is much better looking than before. it was reported in a newspaper that Irish billionaire Denis O'Brien will also fund the maintenance of Marche Hyppolite until the year 2061.

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Digicel refuses interconnection with Nacom

Digicel refuses interconnection with Nacom

What seems to be the problem. This is the fight of the century in Haiti. The telecommunication Giant in Haiti, Digicel appearently is making things hard for the new kid on the block, Natcom. Yesterday, the Haitian senate finally heard from representatives of Natcom, which is the former Teleco about difficulties they have been having in trying to interconnect with Digicel.
Natcom, in which the Haitian government owns 40 percent of its shares, is moving toward the end of its final installations to begin deliver services. However, their biggest barrier has been to interconnect with Digicel. The Haitian-Vietnamese company also stated acts of sabotage that have been made on its equipments around the country.

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Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer At The Inauguration By Denis O'Brien And Bill Clinton

Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer At The Inauguration By Denis O'Brien And Bill Clinton

Here is a picture of theinauguration of the Haitian Iron Market, Marche en Fer that took place on january 12, 2011 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Among the people present were Denis O'Brien, CEO of Digicel and former president Bill Clinton

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Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer In Port-au-Prince

Haitian Iron Market, Marche En Fer In Port-au-Prince

Here is a picture of the Haitian Iron Market, Marche en Fer after it was renovated by Denis O'Brien, CEO of Digicel. The new marche en Fer is in compliance with new building codes, resistant to both hurricane and earthquake

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Digicel Winner Of Innovation Award For TchoTcho Mobile

Digicel Winner Of Innovation Award For TchoTcho Mobile

We now have a winner and it is no other than Digicel for its TchoTcho Mobile. This was how I imagined it was at the Innovation Award organized by Global Telecoms Business magazine in Toronto. The Annual Global Telecoms Business Innovation Award has the objective to promote innovative ideas in the world that would likely improve the live of those in need

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Digicel - Tcho Tcho, Finance

Digicel - Tcho Tcho, Finance

Digicel Haiti, in partnership with Scotiabank launched Tcho Tcho, whic is a mobile money service allowing Haitians to make a variety of finalcial transactions directly from their cell phones. During the first three montha, Tcho Tcho service will be provided to up to 20,000 people with the number of people receiving the service expected to increase gradually

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President Michel Martelly Digicel's Chairman Denis O'Brien

President Michel Martelly Digicel's Chairman Denis O'Brien

In recognition for the support, interest and involvement in Haiti and the Haitian people, President Michel Martelly decorated Mr. Denis O'Brien, the Chairman for Digicel.

President Martelly took the opportunity to list some of the accomplishments of Denis O'Brien on behalf of the Haitian people. They include: the generous support of his Digicel company after the 2010 earthquake, the investment in education, art, sport. Mr. O'Brien was also recognized for his contribution to help restore the Port-au-Prince Iron Market Hyppolite

Picture Source: HaitiLibre.Com

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