Bus of the company Dignite burned in Arcahaie
Here is a picture of a bus of the company Dignite after it was burned in Arcahaie.
Since the first day of September, the people of Arcahaie are agitating and showing their mark of displeasure. They are not happy with the President Martelly's unilateral decision to make "Les Arcadins" a separate commune and connected it to the Artibonite Department. They have rejected the president's decision because they consider it is unconstitutional and ultra vires the power of an outgoing president who is holding his office without any parliament, but by a decree. The new commune would take out a section of coastline from the city where the President had built a mansion for himself and few more homes for his friends. For the past 40 days, children of Arcahaie could not go to school, three buses, along with a bus of the Dignite company were burnt, three public buildings, such as, the tax office, the municipal palace and the vice delegates office for the district, were set on fire on October 2nd. Due to several roadblocks, people cannot travel north to south or vice versa; even the people from the east cannot travel back from Port-au-Prince.
Haiti School Bus DIGNITE
Here is a picture of Haiti School Bus DIGNITE
On 27th January, 2015, the Haitian President Michel Martelly symbolically proceeded for the official presentation of 50 new school buses to the authorities of the ten departments of the country. This noble effort by the Martelly Government will provide free transport facilities to over 100,000 school children throughout the country. President Martelly welcomed Mr. George Mangonès, the Honorary Consul of South Korea, and requested to convey his thanks on behalf of his country to the South Korean people and its authority as their friendly gesture with a financial assistance of $5 million, has greatly supported this initiative. We may remember that even in 2013, 'Diginite' also added 50 new buses to its fleet through a donation of South Korea.
During the occasion, the Haitian President was accompanied by the Prime Minister, Mr. Evans Paul, the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Mr. Wilson Laleau, of National Education and Vocational Training, Mr. Nesmy Manigat, Communication, Mr. Rothchild François Junior and the Executive Director of the Company Dignité, Mr. Castro Arboîte. The Haitian President has expressed his vision to make Haiti a welfare state with sustainable development and he strongly believes that education is the surest path that can lead the country to such mission.
'Dignity', the Haitian school bus company was established in 1995; currently the company has a fleet over 300 school buses in 86 cities and provinces across Haiti. In the beginning, it used to carry students for a monthly fee; in 2011, President abolished the fee and made it free. In the fiscal years 2013-2014 and 2014-15, Dignité has received government subsidies of 292 million gourdes, per year, for meeting operation and staff expenses.