Duvalier Justice
Jean Claude Duvalier Cour Hearing
After two previous no-show, Jean Claude Duvalier did not have any choice but to be in court. Judge Jean-Joseph Lebrun had issued a warrant ordering his presence, under police escort if necessary in case he attempted to stay home for the third court appointment. The Court hearing was held determine whether or not to charges him for the crimes he has been accused for. The former Dictator was asked several questions and his answers were mostly evasive
Jean Claude Duvalier in Court for the first time
The historic appearance in Court by Jean Claude Duvalier. This took place on February 28, 2013 in Port-au-Prince. Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier accused for corruption and human rights abuses came to court for the first time.
During the Court procedure, the 61-year-old Duvalier said when asked about his role as head of state from 1971 to 1986. He responded: "Under my authority, children could go to school, there was no insecurity."
The Victims in Court facing Jean Claude Duvalier Face to Face
This is one of the most historic moment in the history of Haiti. Former Haitian dictator Jean Claude Duvalier came to court to answer the accusations for the abuses taken place under his government.
Several alleged victims were present in the courtroom. Many of them expressed satisfaction that Duvalier had finally appeared to answer to his acts.
One of his victims, Alix Fils-Aime, said:
"He will have to face history in court, just like other dictators around the world are facing,"