Gabriel Fortune
WAR erupts between Gabriel Fortuné and Reginald Boulos, advisory committee
As the Consultative Commission created by President Michel Martelly are working to find a solution to the current electoral crisis, conflict rises between two of its members
Gabriel Fortuné went public before the commission gave its final report to denounce the behavior of the Coordinator, Dr. Reginald Boulos,
Gabriel Fortuné wants all political prisoners to be released before he sign any document.
The Consultative Commission that issued recommendations to President Michel Martelly was set up by his decree on Monday, December 1. Their mission was to find a viable, appeasing solution for the nation to the political crisis, and then present these to the President for his review. Following its formation, the Commission had meetings with the Senate Bureau, the Prime Minister, Laurent Lamothe, and the Head of State. A statement of its reaching a verdict was issued by Dr. Reginald Boulos, and the recommendations were made to the President.
Membres de la Commission consultative présidentielle
Here is a picture of the Consultative commission put in place by President Michel Martelly. They are probably the last hope before the country falls into total KO
Here are the names:
This commission consists of the following members:
Gérard Gourgues, Patrick Aris, Evans Paul, Chavannes Jeune, Paul Loulou Chéry, Odette Roy Fombrun, Gabriel Fortuné, Réginald Boulos, Rony Mondestin, Charles Suffra and Ogé Beauvoir
Haiti President Martelly's discussions with political and social factions have proved fruitless to break a deadlock to ease political tensions and persuade six opposition senators to pass an amendment to an electoral law. Because the legislators refuse to fill a quorum of the required 16 needed to hold a session to pass legislation, no elections can be held. By January 12th of next year only 10 senators will be left, effectively shutting down Parliament. It is possible Martelly could rule by Presidential decree, unless he decides to extend the term of Parliament.
Despite the threat of a Martelly dictatorship, extremists won't negotiate with him. Their strategy is to build a nation-wide protest movement to force him out of office. In Gonaïves pro-government demonstrators ordered the opposition-six senators to pass the amended electoral law so elections can quickly be held to avoid a constitutional crisis.
Commission Consultative by Michel Martelly
Here is a list of the people that forms the Commission Consultative created by President Michel Martelly on November 28, 2014.
The government of Michel Martelly has taken a bold decision to try to resolve the current crisis in Haiti. He formed a Commission Consultative with the objective to collect the results of all the meetings with various sectors of the population and make a recommendation to the president based on the results of these meetings.
Here is the list of people included in this Commission:
Gerard Gourgue
Msr Patrick Harris
Evans Paul
Pastor Jean Chavannes Jeune
Paul Loulou Chery
Odette Roy Fombrun
Gabriel Fortuné
Reginald Boulos
Rony Mondestin
Charles Suffra
Oge Bovoir
President Martelly called these people credible honest that the Haitian society trusts. The Commission Consultative will help the government to make a decision that he believes will be better for Haiti and will allow to find a situation to be crisis
The commission will have a total of 8 days to make their recommendation to the executive branch
Gabriel Fortune of Cayes
This is Gabriel Fortune of the City of Cayes. Some background about the person:
Gabriel Fortune studied and has a Master in Sociology 93/95. ha also studied at the University of Montreal, 1992 and has a Certificate in Community Action, Minor in Political Science in 1993.
He occupied Positions 1984-1989 as Member of Cabinet of the Minister of TPTC Mars in August 2004. He was Professors of Sociology at the Centre for Higher Education and Technological cays 2004-2005, Professor of Sociology School of Law EDSEC 2009-2012,
Gabriel Fortune denounced formation of paramilitary group The Police
Here is a picture of Gabriel Fortune of the City of Cayes. He went public in denouncing a new paramilitary group in the city. The new group is called "The Police" which is different than the regular Police with the responsibility to protect the population.
So far, the Minister of Justice denied that this group is armed. The new delegate stated that hehas never seen them. On the other hand, the Government Commissioner Cayes promises to dismantle the body "The Police".
Former Departmental Delegate Gabriel Fortune
Here is a picture of the former Departmental Delegate of the third city of Haiti Cayes, Gabriel Fortune. He is currently in opposition with the government of Michel martelly and recently accused the government for his involvement in drugs and other illegal activities.
Gabriel Fortune is a founder and Secretary General of the League of Citizens for progress LCP 2003. He is also Member of the 46th Legislature 1995-1999, Senator of the Republic 2006-200. Mr. Fortune was Departmental Delegate South in September 2011, Co-founder of the political organization (LDPH)