CES, Haiti's Only Free School for Children With Disabilities
Centre d'Education Speciale (CES) or Centre for Special Education is the only free School for Children With Disabilities in Haiti.
The Centre d'Education Speciale (CES) is a special centre for the education and personal development of children suffering from various disabilities. The centre is situated in Port-au-Prince, the capital of Haiti and is the only free school which focuses on the education of the disabled children. Their main aim is to contribute to the social integration of more than 15000 children with special needs, belonging to a disadvantaged social stratum every year. According to statistical reports, a large fraction of the students with disabilities are unable to afford even basic education in the country because of the high expenses of education. In such a scenario, the CES in a noble as well as novel initiative and it has drawn the attention of filmmaker Lena Jackson, who endeavors to make a film about the centre and its works.
Read more about school, Education, handicap, Disability, Education