Alyans Sante Borgne
Before establishing the Alyans Sante Borgne (ASB) or Borgne Health Alliance clinic in 2006, the only clinic and laboratory for the people in Borgne was run by H.O.P.E (Haiti Outreach Pwoje Espwa). ASB was formed with the partnership of Haitian Ministry of Health under the management of H.O.P.E. Today, the hospital is functioning with 4 physicians, 70 staff and a team of nurses and other health workers and technicians who are mostly local born and have a bond of love for the organization.
The hospital Alyans Sante is constantly striving to attain its primary goal to provide basic and preventive medicine to the entire community; however, they could not yet achieve that due to paucity of fund. ASB has developed specific programs on some of the major health risks at Borgne which are associated with childbirth, neo-natal, post-partum complication and child death. To extend their hands of assistance they have introduced mobile clinics in remote areas.
Contact: ASB at Fond La Grange, Borgne, Haiti.
Some additional Hospitals in Departement Nord:
Hospital Universitaire Justinien, Cap-Haïtien
Hospital Sacré Coeur, Milot - supported by the CRUDEM Foundation
Hospital Bon Samaritain, Limbé
Read more about Health, hospital, borgne, city