Hospital De Fermathe, Baptist Mission
'Hospital de Fermathe' is also known as 'Mission Baptiste d'Haïti'. It is a faith-based non-profit making medical service provider that offers facilities for radiology, laboratory, surgery, urology, dental, optometry programs and tuberculosis sanitarium. The hospital is located on the grounds of the Baptist Haiti Mission, founded in 1943 at Fermathe 62, Pétionville (Tel: 509 2257 3857). The hospital serves the local population as well as the people living in the remote locations. The medical staff operates a 100 bed full service hospital with an outpatient department. The specialist doctors in orthopedic and urology visit regularly 4 times a month. They have plans to include plastic surgery in their fraternity. In 2010, they have partnered with the Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA) in coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO) to set up an independent unit for cholera treatment.
More Hospitals in Departement Ouest, Petion-Ville, near Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission):
Clinique Maternité de Pétion-Ville
Clinique Chirurgicale Lambert Sante, Pétionville
Hospital De Fermathe (Baptist Mission)
Hospital Eliazar Germain, Petion-Ville
Hospital de la Communauté Haïtienne, Pétionville
PULMOMED-24 Hour Life Support
Read more about Health, hospital, Emergency, Fermathe, Health