Hospital La Providence, Gonaïves
'Hospital La Providence' is the only hospital in Gonaïves, the third city with 300,000 inhabitants in Haiti by population. The hospital was devastated by Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. Since then, it is functioning in a deteriorating condition with lack of funds and unpredictable power. We may remember that a development plan for the hospital had been undertaken under the funding from the Canadian International Development Agency to the tune of $17 million through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). The construction work for the building at Morne Blanc has been awarded to Abantia, a Spanish group, in consortium with Buildings Cots and Claret. The new building will have an area of 10,380 square meters and a capacity of 200 beds.
Further, Hospital La Providence in Gonaïves will have one emergency care center, pharmacy, laboratory, four hospitalization blocks, one surgical block, maternity and intensive care unit specially dedicated for newborns. Recently, on 23 May, 2014, the Embassy of Mexico has sanctioned $2.5 million for Haiti with the Ministry of Public Health for installation of 4,000 square meters of solar panels to provide 200 KW power to four priority areas of the Hospital La Providence.
Contact: Rte Nationale # 1 Gatreau (old Care building); Tel: 3527-7622 / 3619 7585
Departement Artibonite, Artibonite, Deschapelles, Gonaives, Pignon, Dessalines:
Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti, Deschapelles (Posted already)
HospitalSaint Nicolas, Saint Marc
Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon
Hospital Claire-Heureuse, Dessalines
Read more about Health, Gonaives, hospital, Emergency, Health