Hurricane Watch

National Contingency Plan has no Plan for Tropical Storm or Hurricane

National Contingency Plan has no Plan for Tropical Storm or Hurricane

As Hurricane is expected to bear down on Haiti, motivated the island's National Contingency Plan (NCP) to release information of what to expect when the storm landed. NCP offered no preparedness tips, but a litany of alarming predictions: the death rate will soar, rural migrations to urban areas will multiply, and disease will be endemic.

More than half a million nationalists are in danger; a 100,000 increase from 2012's forecast. The government is unable to provide adequate services for the ballooning populations.

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Haiti Residents Indifferent to Hurricane Threat

Haiti Residents Indifferent to Hurricane Threat

As usually before a storm, Haiti and Dominican Republic (DR) authorities issued warnings to residents in lowland areas to vacate their homes and seek higher ground before Hurricane hits.

But residents in the DR and Haiti are unaffected by the warnings. For example, a Haitian street seller would not stop selling snow cones despite the existence of Hurricane.

A DR nationalist, Geovanny Batista, echoed the sentiments of many, claiming, "We're sure nothing is going to happen."

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Storm Tips- Before Storm

Storm Tips- Before Storm

Before a storm hits, preparation is key. Having a plan and being ready to implement it will reinforce your confidence during a catastrophe. Make sure to keep abreast of the current conditions by tuning in to the radio, the television or the internet. Stock up on lots of water for drinking and for household uses, and buy food supplies that don't require refrigeration or much in the way of preparation. Batten down windows, and prepare a secure room, keeping supplies like a first aid kit and tools close at hand.

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Storm Tips - Hurricane Watch or Warning

Storm Tips - Hurricane Watch or Warning

Safety during a hurricane is a matter of personal responsibility. How ready you are in case of a disaster reflects how well one can weather the storm. During a hurricane watch or after a warning, one should look to abandon all low-lying areas, secure valuables stored outside, stock up on food of the non-perishable variety, water and fuel supply, and batten down windows.

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