Visit of Kenneth Merten and Peter Mulrean at the chamber of Deputy
Here is a picture of Kenneth Merten and Peter Mulrean at the chamber of Deputy with Cholzer Chancy.
On Thursday, April 28, 2016, Kenneth Merten, the Special Coordinator for Haiti and Peter Mulrean, the US Ambassador to Haiti, visited the Haitian Senate to assess the situation of the 2015 electoral process and ensure the installation of a democratically elected government in Haiti. They were on a mission in Haiti to exert pressure on the Haitian Senators and Deputies to stop the creation of an independent verification commission as per interim president Jocelerme Privert's plan and accept the election result which the majority of Haitians consider was marred by fraud. However, Privert did not bow down to the U.S pressure. He installed the Independent Commission for Electoral Evaluation and Verification (CIEVE) with the objectives of reviewing the previous election process with published results and to decide accordingly whether to move ahead with the unfinished election. In the meantime, such Commission has submitted its report on May 30, 2016, audited by a five-member panel. In its report, the Commission has recommended rejecting the disputed results of last year's first-round presidential election as it appears to be tainted by massive fraud and re-start the election from the beginning again. As per Francois Benoit, the leader of the CIEVE, it appeared that electoral fraud was masterminded at a "high level."
Read more about kenneth merten, Peter Mulrean, Cholzer Chancy, International Relation