
Jean-Bertrand Aristide And The Lavalas Party

Jean-Bertrand Aristide And The Lavalas Party

Here is a picture of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. In this illustration, many observers think that he returned to Haiti for the simple reason of making sure that his family is in Haiti and spends the next five years in the country to qualify to run in the next presidential election in five years. It is estimated either Aristide of his wife will run in the next election

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Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine Member Of Lavalas

Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine Member Of Lavalas

Here is a picture of of the Lavalas member Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine. He disappeared In August 2007 and no one knows what comes to him. He was also supporter of the former Haitian president Jean-Bertrand Aristide

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