Marchand Dessalines
Deputy Gracia Delva accused of stealing Generators
Here is a picture of Kompas singer and Deputy of Marchand-Dessalines, Gracia Delva who was accused of stealing two Generators.
Gracia Delva is a singer, Konpa maestro, actor, former MP, better known by his stage name as singer Gracia Delva Marchand-Dessalines. He is the Deputy of Marchand Dessalines (Artibonite) under Haitian Tet Kale (PHTK) banner who won the August 9, 2015 election with a 61.06% margin. According to Radio Scoop FM News on April 11, 2016, the people of Marchand-Dessalines have accused him of stealing two generators which the Martelly administration had provided to distribute generated power to the people of Dessalines. Such an accusation came when the people of the commune took the street to protest the ongoing blackout in the city. They accused him of literally stealing two generator sets for his own benefit while leaving the city in complete darkness. 'Dessalines' or sometimes it is called as 'Marchand-Dessalines', is a commune in the Artibonite department of Haiti, named after Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
Hospital Claire-Heureuse, Dessalines Haiti
The Hospital Claire Heureuse, located 100 miles north of Port-au-Prince was first opened in October 1986. Prior to this, there was a small non-functional government medical center in the same location. After several requests and appeals by the then inable local government, the Free Methodist National Church agreed to take control of the unkempt health center previously run by inefficient, absentee physicians. Today, Hospital Claire-Heureuse in Marchand Dessalines is also known as Dessalines Rural Health Care Project or D.R.H.P. With 60 beds of inpatient facility, the hospital is a thriving center for local inhabitants with tuberculosis, HIV, maternity, neo and postnatal care treatments. Every day, the out-patient clinic is visited by about 100 patients. With its 87% Haitian staff, it delivers about 1300 babies a year and offers laboratory, ultrasound and X-ray services. They have a Red Cross transfusion center and receive USAID funding.
Departement Artibonite, Artibonite, Deschapelles, Gonaives, Pignon, Dessalines:
Hospital Albert Schweitzer Haiti, Deschapelles (Posted already)
Hospital La Providence, Gonaïves
HospitalSaint Nicolas, Saint Marc
Hospital Bienfaisance de Pignon
Hospital Claire-Heureuse, Dessalines
Marchand Dessalines, Haiti
The city of Marchand Dessalines was named after the Haitian Emperor, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, who made the plantation his seat, surrounding it with half a dozen forts around the town. Located in the Artibonite Department, the town was the world's first Black Capital after the birth of the world's first free Black Country in 1804. As of a decade ago, from a census taken in early August of 2003, Merchand Dessalines is home to at least 120,000 people, all populating an area totaling 177 square miles.