
Olivier Martelly

Olivier Martelly

Olivier Martelly seems to be following the family unbroken tradition by following his father's footsteps in music.

The family has been involved in politic recently with the father, Michel Martelly elected for President of Haiti for five years.

Not too long ago, the children of the current president, Olivier Martelly,Sandro, Yani and Malaika Martelly got togetter to sing a song together

Other issue related to the presidential family is that accusation agains the First Lady, Sophia Martelly and Olivier Martelly on the use of public fundsb, accusation made by attorney, Newton Saint-Juste

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Henry Christophe University, Martelly And His Counterpart, Leonel Fernandez Reyna

Henry Christophe University, Martelly And His Counterpart, Leonel Fernandez Reyna

Here you are looking at Henry Christophe University in Limonade, Northern Haiti. In this picture, President Michel martelly and his counterpart, Leonel Fernandez Reyna

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Protest in Port-au-Prince against Martelly

Protest in Port-au-Prince against Martelly

Here is a picture showing the protest agains the Government of Michel Martelly in Port-au-Prince. The Haitian population took to the streets on Sunday, September 30, 2012. They are following a path already started by the Cities of Les Cayes, Cap-Haitian and other regions to show their frustration about the current situation.

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Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

On October 17, 2012 in Cap-Haitian the opposition got togetherto protest against the government of Michel Martelly. This event was organized by many political parties in the country. One of the magor personalities was Moise Jean-Charles

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Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

This is the First part of the letter that was sent to President Michel Martelly by Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica. According to the former president, the $25 million Martelly has proposed for the new military should be invested in education, health and strengthening other institutions. He also stated that army would be an enemy of development, peace and freedom.

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Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

This is a picture of a major demonstratiuon agains the government of Martelly Lamothe. on October 17, 2012 in Cap-Haitian that was the center of the event and protest. As you can see in the pictures there were many people present

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Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

This is the First part of the letter that was sent to President Michel Martelly by Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica. According to the former president, the $25 million Martelly has proposed for the new military should be invested in education, health and strengthening other institutions. He also stated that army would be an enemy of development, peace and freedom.

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Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

This is a pocture of the people during the manifestation that took place on October 17, 2012 in Cap-Haitian. This was organized following a reunion between the various political parties in Haiti to give a responce to the current government of Michel martelly

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Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica told Martelly Restore Army an error - Letter

This is the First part of the letter that was sent to President Michel Martelly by Nobel laureate Oscar Arias of Costa Rica. According to the former president, the $25 million Martelly has proposed for the new military should be invested in education, health and strengthening other institutions. He also stated that army would be an enemy of development, peace and freedom.

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Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

Manifestation Against Martelly In Cap-Haitian

Here is a picture of the Manifestation that took place on October 17, 2012 in Cap-Haitian against the government of Michel Martelly. Manifestation against Martelly in Cap-Haitian united many political parties inclucing the Lavalas group

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