Director General of MHAVE, Patrick Edouard Valme
Here is a picture of the new Director General of MHAVE, Patrick Edouard Valme
On Wednesday, February 4th, Patrick Edouard Valmé has taken charge as the new Director General of MHAVE. He was received in his new office by Olivier Pieriche, the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE). While accepting his new responsibility, the minister reminded him of the ardent determination and dedication that his new assignments call for to overcome every challenge and obstacle in the future. However, removing these obstacles would be never difficult because the ministry will always stand by the side of MHAVE. They will strive for one common objective of national interest. In his speech, Edouard Valmé confirmed own solidarity with the Diaspora mechanism and expressed his commitment to implement Ministry's policy towards the Diaspora for maintaining sustainable development.
Farah Juste Sings Against Political Forces
Here is a photo of Farah Juste. She speaks out against political abuses back home in her country of Haiti and at one point could not openly sing such songs in the country. She finally got out of the country and went to Montreal, Canada where she began publicly singing these songs describing what bad governance the country had and how baldy it affected the Haitian community.
She makes herself available to the Haitian community in Miami
François Guillaume II, integration of Diaspora professionals in Haiti Public Service
François Guillaume II, the Minister of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) is determined to get the Haitian community involved in Haiti. Considering all the skills and education acquired by many Haitians all over the world, he wants to implement an integration policy where young Diaspora professionals can go to Haiti and apply theses skills in Haiti Public Services.
Diaspora to Enter Public Service in Haiti Program
Minister Guillaume said in 2015 his ministry will initiate a pilot program using skilled young professionals from the Diaspora working in Haitian Public Service. The program will last nine months. Each participant's profile will be matched to the public institution that best meets its needs.
Minister Guillaume sees their role as helping ". . . modernize the public administration and . . . private sector through their diverse skills . . . . This program will be a . . . strong link between Haiti and the Diaspora."
François Guillaume II, Minister of the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad
Francois Guillaume II is an economist, who has had experience in senior finance. GuiLac is a consulting firm that he opened in 2006 to consult with many million-dollar organizations. He has a Bachelor's degree in International Relations and Economics, and he received his Master's degree from Florida International University in Public Administration with a minor in economic policy. He has been working since 2002 in order to help shape US policies towards Haiti in the development of the country. He served as the Minister of Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad until December 2011.
Marc-Elie Nelson, Minister of the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE)
A new minister for the Ministry of Haitians Living Abroad (MHAVE) was ushered in recently by the current MHAVE Acting Minister, Pierre-Richard Casimir. In his role, Marc-Élie Nelson is expected to take up the mantle left by the former Minister, Joseph Leprince Augustin. At the ceremony, various officials from the Haitian government were witness to Mr. Nelson's ascent to the post, including the Political Advisor to Haitian President, Michel Martelly. Following the appointment, members of the Grand Rally for the Evolution of Haiti (GREH) proclaimed that his new appointment hadn't been sanctioned by the organization, of which Mr. Nelson was President.