Charles Kinsey, Black therapist shot by North Miami Police

Charles Kinsey, Black therapist shot by North Miami Police

Here is a picture of Charles Kinsey, a black therapist shot by North Miami police while his hands were up in the air as he was trying to calm an autistic patient.

On Monday, July 18, 2016, Charles Kinsey, an African-American, who works as a behavior therapist at the MacTown Panther Group Homes was shot in the leg by North Miami police while he was trying to calm a white person, a sudden victim of autism on the Northeast 14th Avenue. As per police reports, they were alerted by a 911 call that a disturbed man is walking around with a gun, threatening suicide. The police officer (Jonathan Aledda ) had intended to shoot the patient, whom he thought could pose a danger, but accidentally shot the caregiver instead who kept his hands high in the air. However, Kinsey said that man was one of his patients, Rinaldo, and the reported gun was actually a toy truck. According to Kinsey's attorney, the policed fired two or three shots before hitting Kinsey once in his right leg. The incident till the shootout started, was recorded on a cellphone video which shows Kinsey is lying on the ground holding both hands in the air, next to a 23-year-old man with autism who sits near him cross-legged, not responding to orders to lie on the ground. The video went viral and sparked outrage nationwide.

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