Police shooting of unarmed black man in North miami

Police shooting of unarmed black man in North miami

Here is a picture of the incident that took place in North Miami where the Police shot an unarmed black man.

In the broad daylight of July 18, 2016, the North Miami police shot and injured an unarmed black man named Charles Kinsey while he was treating an autism patient on the Northeast 14th Avenue. A cell phone video, showing moments before the gunshot depicts Charles Kinsey was lying on his back, both hands raised in the air, while another man sitting near him cross-legged. Charles Kinsey is an African-American who works as a behavior therapist at the MacTown Panther Group Homes. As per police reports, they were alerted by a 911 call that a disturbed man is walking around with a gun, threatening suicide. However, Kinsey during his interview to local TV news Channel 7 WSVN from his hospital bed, said, the white man sitting next to him was his patient named Rinaldo and the reported gun was actually a toy truck. There was no need for guns. As per police sources, the officer had intended to shoot the patient, whom he thought could harm Kinsey, but accidentally he shot Kinsey instead. Jonathan Aledda, a 30-year-old SWAT team member with four years experience on the job, went on leave amidst public protest. He was the man behind the gunshot.

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