Presidential Election Evaluation

The Report of the Commission of Evaluation to the Nation

The Report of the Commission of Evaluation to the Nation

Here is the report of the Commission of Evaluation to the Nation.

There were many instances where the number of untraceable votes (also called zombie votes) exceeded the legitimate votes. One of the CIEVE members has summed it up as, more dead people have voted than the livings. Suspecting a high level of electoral fraud, they have recommended that October's presidential first-round election should be "restart from zero." The number of untraceable votes received by the first-place presidential candidate, according to the results of the CEP, was higher than the total number of such votes received by the second- and third-place candidates and it was higher than the difference between the first- and fifth-place candidates. As per CIEVE, it appeared that electoral fraud was masterminded at a "high level." Not only some acts were committed in simple violation of the Act, they were well organized; even the electoral decree and the Opont led CEP violated its own standard which were not in conformity with the constitution and the principles of democratic governance."La mission de L'oea.

Martelly's Haitian Bald Headed Party (PHTK) has dismissed the findings of the Commission arguing that it is just a plan for Provisional President Jocelerme Privert to remain in power.

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Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation, Me Gedeon Jean

Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation, Me Gedeon Jean

Here is a picture of Me Gedeon Jean, Member of the Presidential Election Evaluation.

Although the Electoral Commission of Evaluation has reported gross irregularity in the October 25, 2015 election, its conclusions and recommendations were well accepted and welcomed by President Martelly's Haitian Têt Kalé Party (PHTK). However, Gédéon Jean, the Secretary of the Independent Electoral Commission of Evaluation (CEEI) is not happy with its simple conclusions and recommendations. He has denounced them and did not sign the report of the said commission, although his name was printed at the bottom of the document. He has criticized the recommendation because he has found the percentage of fraud was alarmingly noticed over 15% of the minutes. He has demanded a thorough investigation of the minutes to purify the whole process from massive frauds. Gédéon Jean is also a representative of the National Defense of Human Rights Network (RNDDH).

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