Travel interdiction
Laurent Lamothe, Evans Paul hit with travel ban
Here is a picture of two former Prime Ministers Laurent Lamothe and Evans Paul. They were hit with travel ban along with 13 Ministers in the Michel Martelly government
As per the news report dated June 2, 2016, by order of Prosecutor Danton Leger, nine former Haitian electoral officials and 11 Cabinet ministers of former President Michel Martelly's administration have been forbidden to leave the country. The order came from the new Government Commissioner of Port-au-Prince Danton Leger, shortly after the release of Verification Commission's report recommending October's presidential first-round election conducted by the former Martelly administration should be "restart from zero" -- because, it was marred by serious irregularities, grave inconsistencies, and massive fraud; only 9% of the total vote cast has been found to be valid. The violation of the Act and commitment of fraud was masterminded at a "high level". The names of two Prime Ministers of Martelly administration Laurent Lamothe and Evans Paul were found on the lists, forbidden to leave the country. As per Justice Minister Camille Junior Edouard, the interim government had nothing to do with the prosecutor's decision. Prosecutor Leger did not respond to a request for comment.
Travel interdiction for Marc Antoine Acra and Alix Celestin
Danton Léger issued a departure prohibition against Marc Antoine Acra and Alix Celestin.
As per popular radio station Scoop FM report dated April 5, 2016, the new Government Commissioner, Jean Danton Léger has imposed a travel ban on Marc Antoine Acra & Alix Celestin in respect of a seizure of drugs about one year ago (77 kilos of cocaine and 10 kilos of heroin, valuing about three million wholesale and ten million dollars retail) found in a cargo of sugar coming from Colombia belonging to the businessman known as Marc Antoine Accra. The ship 'Manzanares' belonging to Acra's company NABATCO was docked at the Mevs Wharf (port) in Haiti on April 15, 2015. Manzanares, (113.3 m x 16.4 m) was anchored in the bay of Port-au-Prince alongside two other boats. In reply to his travel interdiction, Marc Anthoine Acra has said, the words of advocating transparency and justice from a Government Commissioner representing a transitional government reminds him of the dictatorial regime of Duvalier-- full of arbitrary acts and anarchism. Danton's investigation reveals that Alix Celestin, the Director of the National Port Authority is also a partner in crime with Marc Acra.