The eradication of lymphatic filariasis in Haiti by Jimmy Carter and U.S. Ambassador Kenneth Merten
The Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (MSPP), the former President Jimmy Carter and U.S. Ambassador to Haiti Kenneth Merten have decided to fight a disease that has affected many Haitians. They plan to eradication of lymphatic filariasis in Haiti. They are also putting a large sum of money behind this campaign as well.
$1.5 million will be spent into this campaign. The money will be used for medication and to pay the staff for the eradication of the lymphatic filariasis, also known as elephantiasis.
lymphatic filariasis is an infectious disease caused by some type of roundworms. Filariasis diseases are transmitted by blood sucking insects, such as flies, mosquitoes or copepod.
Read more about jimmy carter, lymphatic filariasis, u.s. ambassador kenneth merten, Health