Tap Tap Haitian Restaurant in miami
"Tap Tap Haitian Restaurant" in Miami is a Haitian eatery, which was opened up with the inspiration of one time filmmaker Katherine Kean. The welcoming staff serves "authentic Haitian dishes like grilled goat, conch Creole and stewed oxtail, including an exceptionally "good Mojito" (a traditional Cuban highball that contains five main ingredients: white rum, sugar, lime juice, sparkling water, and mint). The warm service adds to the charm of bright, colorful mural artwork that provides "food for your spirit." Their Menus shows five items of Appetizers (Pumpkin soup, Goat Tidbits , Spicy Marinated Conch Ceviche, etc), three salad items (Avocado and Tomato Salad, Mango, Watercress, Carrots and Mixed Greens, etc), eight side dishes (like White Rice with Beans Sauce, Grilled Corn, etc), eleven items on Gwoplat / Entrees (like Shrimp in Creole or Coconut Sauce, Whole Fish In Lime Sauce, Grilled, or Fried, etc) and three Specialties From Charcoal Grill (Grilled Conch, Grilled chicken and Grilled goat).
819 5th St, Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 672-2898
Read more about miami, haitian food, florida, Restaurent, Tap Tap, Haitian Restaurant, Food