Christine Souffrant and Vendedy Street vandor site
The Haitian entrepreneur Christine Souffrant and Vendedy Street vandor site
Christine Souffrant is a 25-year old Dubai-based entrepreneur and a graduate of Ivy League University. She could not forget her parents' struggle; they eke out a living as street vendors. Christine has founded 'Vendedy International' that would empower the street vendors globally with access to the digital market. During the 2010 earthquake, she was a college student. She saw her mother's most trading partners went missing or were presumed dead and her business collapsed. It was then she decided about building some 'apps' that would facilitate street vending business, digitally. After graduation, she found a job at Baker Hill Finance in New York. Thereafter, she moved to Dubai to study masters in international business and social entrepreneurship at Hult International Business School. It was there she launched her company for vendors online "Vendedy"-- global street markets in your pocket.
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