Commission of electoral evaluation finally installed

Commission of electoral evaluation finally installed

Here is the new Commission of electoral evaluation which was finally installed

On December 22, 2015, at the Hotel Kinam in Petionville, Prime Minister Evans Paul initiated the installation of five members Electoral Evaluation Commission. The commission would assess and advice on the conditions of the country's remaining presidential electoral process scheduled to be held on January 17, 2016. The members of the commission are: Mgr Patrick Aris, the Mambo Euvonie Georges Auguste, the Pastor Armand Louis, Rosny Desroches and Me Gédéon Jean. Since the election has been deferred and some of the members of the commission and their political platforms were reluctant to participate, the commission has been reorganized. The earlier members of the commissions Joseph Emmanuel Charlemagne and Anthony Pascal have been replaced by Me Gédéon Jean (representing the human rights sector) and the Pastor Louis Armand (representing the Protestant Church). The commission's reporting period has been extended to 8 days (from December 22nd) from earlier 3 days.

Read more about commission, Government Commissioner, Government

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