French man Fritz-Joly Joachin with links to Paris attackers has Haitian root
The 29 year old Fritz-Joly Joachin is a suspect in the Paris attackers. He was arrested in Bulgaria. Fritz-Joly Joachin is a French citizen with Haitian origin. he is converted Muslim. Authorities traced him as having several contacts with one of the two brothers (Cherif Kouachi) before traveling to Turkey on September 30
French Citizen in Police Custody knew Charlie Hebdo Attacker
Bulgarian police arrested Fritz-Joly Joachin, alleging he was involved in a terrorist organization. They discovered he had been in contact with Cherif Kouachi, one of the brothers who slew 12 people at Charlie Hebdo in Paris.
Joachin's wife reported to French authorities Joachin had kidnapped their son. She said Joachin was an Islam convert, radicalized two years ago.
Joachin insisted he was not a terrorist and had nothing to with Kouachi's assault on French citizens.
Read more about france, newsletter, Terrorism, Fritz-Joly Joachin, France - Haiti