Jean Bertrand Aristide and Maryse Narcisse, last day of campaigning

Jean Bertrand Aristide and Maryse Narcisse, last day of campaigning

Here is a picture of Former President Jean Bertrand Aristide and Maryse Narcisse on the last day of campaigning

Aristide Supports Lavalas Candidate Narcisse.

Hordes of excited Haitians streamed alongside the campaign vehicle of Maryse Narcisse, riding with former President Aristide in a parade to mark the end of her campaign for president. Narcisse is running under Aristide's Fanmi Lavalas, one of 56 candidates vying for the top job.

Most of the crowd was from slum Cite Soleil and are Lavalas supporters, one of whom says "It's the party that knows the pain of the Haitian people."

Read more about haiti election, Election, jean bertrand aristide, Dr. Maryse Narcisse, Haiti election 2015, maryse narcisse, Election

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