Jean Dominique assassination and Jean Bertrand Aristide
According to a report on January 17, 2014 According to Radio, a judge concluded that total of nine people were implicated in the death of journalist Jean Dominique; one of which, Former Senator Mirlande Libérus Pavert who was former head of the Aristide Foundation for Democracy. According to the report, Mirlande Libérus Pavert was the intellectual author of the assassination. Other named listed in the assassination include: Voodoo priestess Annette Auguste, aka Sô Ann, Gabriel Harold Severe, Anette Augustre, Gepsie Milien, Markenton Michel, Jean Daniel Jeudy, Jean Mercidieu Toussaint and Merite Milien
Read more about jean bertrand aristide, Jean Dominique, assassination, Human Rights, Crime