Jovenel Moise, Neg Bannan nan
Here is Candidate Jovenel Moise, Neg Bannan nan.
An incident of electoral fraud, one of many, occurred when candidate, Carlo Estard of Ayiti An Aksyon party, was arrested for voting many times, violating the electoral decree. Incidents of a polling place set on fire and a violent beating due to election fraud were exceptions to a mainly peaceful process.
Organization of American States Chief Celso Amorim, struck a hopeful note when he remarked ". . . Haiti appeared to be moving in the right direction."
National Defense Network of Human Rights, Pierre Esperance, differed, pointing out strong-arm tactics used to discourage people from voting. Of those many registered to vote, their names did not appear on electoral lists. Conversely, a party representative was found to have voted three times over.
At Tabarre party representatives took advantage of elderly voters, persuading them to vote for a PR candidate. Secretary General of Organization of People in Struggle, Saveur Etienne, said PRs badgered voters to vote for Jovenel Moise, President Martelly's favored candidate. Ex-President Aristide emerged from his home in Tabarre to vote for his party's Fanmi Lavalas candidate, Maryse Narcisse.
Read more about Election, Haiti election 2015, PHTK, Jovenel Moïse, Election