List of Candidates to the presidency rejected by the CEP in 2015

List of Candidates to the presidency rejected by the CEP in 2015

Here is the list of candidates for Haiti presidency that was rejected by the CEP. Pierre-Louis Opont who is the president of the CEP confirmed that the list released is final and not subject to any more changes.

The following individuals are no longer in the race:

1) Bennett Anthony - Repons Klas Mwayenn Nan

2) Brutus Pierre Duly - Consortium National des partis politiques haïtiens

3) Day Louis Gonzague Edner - Plateforme Ayisyen Kap Travay Pou
Rekonstwi Ayiti Inifiel ak Liberel

4) Delalau Paul Edouard Eddy - Force Démocratique Haïtien Intègre

5) Gauthier Marie Josefa - Alliance Démocratique pour la réconciliation nationale

6) Lamothe Laurent Salvador - Platfòm Peyizan

7) Magloire Raphael Robert Paul Gustave - Entente Nationale des Travailleurs pour le Réveil d'Haïti

8) Mayard Paul Thierry - Union Nationale des Démocrates Haïtiens

9) Pieriche Olicier - Reconstruire Haïti

10) Saint Lot Danielle - Defile Pati Politik Fanm ak Fanmi

11) Werleigh Jacques Emmanuel Georges - Mouvement National pour la Prospérité d'Haïti

12) Zenny Edwin J. R. M. Daniel - Konbit Nasyonal

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