Minister of Communication, Rotchild FRANCOIS JR, Michel Martelly

Minister of Communication, Rotchild FRANCOIS JR, Michel Martelly

Minister of Communication, Rotchild FRANCOIS JR, receiving his folder from Haitian President Michel Joseph Martelly

Accusations against President Martelly have morphed slightly, away from his instigating the stalemate that led to the dissolution of parliament and his eventual rule by decree, to his now plotting to secure his chosen successor - amidst all this, he has promised not to alter the country's constitution to seek another term, having been at the head since 2011.

The new members who have been sworn in include Carel Alexandre, Secretary of State for Public Security; Yves Germain Joseph, Planning Minister; as well as six previous members of the cabinet such as the ministers of defence, health and foreign affairs. These changes come just before a council of 15 nations is set to descend upon Haiti to undertake a mission of fact finding. More changes are expected, including the creation of a 9-member electoral council, all with the aim of producing an election for the country before another year runs out.

Read more about michel martelly, evans paul, Rotchild FRANCOIS JR, People

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