Music - Caribbean and artist

Stevy Mahy Photo

Stevy Mahy Photo

Here is a photo of Stevy Mahy Photo.
is in this picture. Her first album was The Beautiful Side of a Kreyol Folk Trip. She hopes to make more music with more people in the future.

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Stevy Mahy Biography

Stevy Mahy Biography

Here is a picture of Stevy Mahy. She had music in her genes as both parents were musicians. At a young age she was introduced the singing when she would record small songs with her parents.

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Stevy Mahy Picture

Stevy Mahy Picture

Here is a photo of Stevy Mahy. She is an internationally known singer with an interracial background. She sings in three different languages including French, Creole and English.

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The beautiful Haitian artist Tifane

The beautiful Haitian artist Tifane

Here is a picture of the beautiful Haitian singer Tifane. She was born on January 18 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. According to information about her, she She is the eldest of three children. Her first single whiche was very successful was "Se Kom si" released in the year 2005.
Tifane has managed to represent her country of Haiti by participating in many prestigious international festivals and works with the greats of Haitian music

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Don Kato problem for ALORAL Kanaval

Don Kato problem for ALORAL Kanaval

We have learned that the popular Kanaval star DON KATO will not be participating in the Haiti National Kanaval in the city of Cap-Haitian. The Government of Michel Martelly was not happy with his Kanaval ALORA that was very critical to the government.

Heis is seen as being anti-government and the government has decided to keep him out as he does not want to sell negative image of the country while they are trying to promote tourism

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The Kompa music around 60 years ago in Haiti. It came from a style of slow-paced meringue rhythms distinct from the Dominican Republic's faster-paced merengue

This kind of music was played mainly in a minor key, Kompa lovers define it as jazz-influenced

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Kompa is to the Haitian spirit.

Most of use dance this music and love it as well. As it was the case during the haiti earthquake, To have people with no home crying to see that we made it alive

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Milca And Her Music

Milca And Her Music

Here is the beautiful and talented Zouk singer Milca. She is a creative artiste and one known in the world . She has an entertaining personality that matches perfectly her music quality. Milca if anything has earned respect among music critics for her performance and talent. She is well respected in the music industry.

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Edith Lefel Funeral

Edith Lefel Funeral

As stated, Edith Lefel arrived in Martinique with her parents, where she absorbed the cross-pollinating currents of Caribbean music styles. She was not able to do all the things she wanted to do because she passed away at an early age.

This is photo memory of Edith Lefel who has been described as a great talent in modern Afro-Caribbean music. She is also described as a prominent performer of zouk-style European and African rhythms, encompassing frenetic dance music and soul-stirring ballads. Many people see the similarity between Edith Lefel and Edith Piaf in the way she performed her musics. She was known for her ability to move people with her beautiful voice.

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Edith Lefel And Her Death

Edith Lefel And Her Death

Here is a picture of the Zouk star that we are still thinking about. Edith Lefel shocked her fan when her death was announced. She died in her sleep in the Month of January 2003.It was later revealed that Edith Lefel was still working on her 2002 album when she died in her sleep on January 2003. Her smoking habits as well as birth control pills contributed to her death. Edith Lefel was buried at Pere Lachaise

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