New Haiti Secrétaire D’état à la Sécurité, Reginald Delva
Here is a picture of Haiti most recent Secrétaire D'état à la Sécurité, Reginald Delva.
He was appointed in the position by Haitian president Michel Martelly.
The Secrétaire D'état à la Sécurité is responsible for looking at all aspects of the national security in the country and assure that all these various pieces are working properly. Mr. Delva would be responsible for the good functioning of the Police force; however his job does not stop there. He is also the one responsible for a decent living condition of these Police offiicers. The Secrétaire D'état à la Sécurité is also responsible for delinquent children in the streets, mental patients without proper facility to go to. Also, all the Haitians being deported from countries all over the world, transportation, drug regulation, enforcement of building codes, in brief, anything that is likely to affect the security of the Haitian population.
Read more about haiti secrétaire d’état à la sécurité, reginald delva, Government