Roro Nelson blocking Ruelle Nazon to assault 6 University students Quiskeya
Here is a picture of Roro Nelson at Ruelle Nazon. June, 2014 - Roro Nelson close friend of former Hasitian president Michel Martelly, blocking Ruelle Nazon to assault 6 university students Quiskeya
In June 2014, Roro Nelson, a close associate and Adviser to former Haitian President Michel Martelly assaulted six medical students of the University Quisqueya who were on their way to the University for exam. The incident occurred at Ruelle Nazon, north of the capital, when the Nelson's Cadillac registered in the Dominican Republic (number G-201860) tried to overtake the students' car. Roro got annoyed as he was unable to pass through the traffic jam. He came out of his car accompanying a police officer and started beating the students. The students launched accusations against "Roro" Nelson, and a police officer, for having beaten them during the incident of road rage.
Read more about roro nelson, People