Fight against AIDS in Haiti Succeeding
Sida, mwen pap pran, mwen pap bay campaign
Present at the recent World AIDS Day celebration in ST. Therese Park, Pétion-Ville, the Head of State, along with the First Lady, addressed the crowd on the issue of the nation's fight against the AIDS epidemic. Dr. Florence D. Guillaume, also in attendance, spoke of the continued commitment of the Ministry of Public Health and Population to the fight against HIV/AIDS. Also in attendance were many representatives from foreign organizations and partners in the fight against the deadly disease.
Haiti's Ministry of Public Health and Population has good news to report on the AIDS epidemic in Haiti. Haitians testing positive for the HIV virus have dropped 10% in the last nine years.
Patient enrollment for treatment has gone up, on average, 20% for the same period. In 2013 treatment enrollment soared to 44% from 2012. Several international agencies have worked to prevent, care for, and treat AIDS victims. The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief has played a major role in combating the disease.
Prostitution in the rural areas of Haiti
The greatest part of the current prostitution industry takes place in the rural areas and not in the more populous towns and cities. This is perhaps why it has been able to pervade into normal society with such efficiency. While it seems to have become more widely acknowledged, if not accepted, it is still a far cry from being safe or healthful. An outbreak of cholera may soon take the back seat to a veritable AIDS or STI epidemic.
Use of Condoms in Haiti
Condoms do two things, they prevent unwanted pregnancies, and they stop the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases.
Access to Condoms in Haiti is limited, specially in the country side as well as in some major cities.
Many health care professionals who have been or currently working in Haiti have seen the effects of contraception shortages in Haiti. The country continues to struggle with high prevalence rates of HIV.
Sophia Martelly Haitian delegation United Nations General Assembly on HIV/AIDS
A Haitian First Lady involved in one of the biggest issues facing Haiti. The Haitian Joudalist has learned that Haitian First Lady, Sophia Martelly, was part of a delegation that traveled to New York City to attend and participate in a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the HIV/AIDS epidemy.