aime or tonton bicha

Tonton Bicha at Hotel Kingdom Haiti

Tonton Bicha at  Hotel Kingdom Haiti

Here is a picture of the Haitian comedian Tonton Bicha playing the role of an African King. This clip was made for Hotel Kingdom Haiti. This is considered so far to be one of his best production.

Tonton Bicha finally exercised his power to walk on water.

Tonton Bicha The King was realized by Bobby Jolivert of lens Magic Kajou TV Production)

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Comedian Actor Daniel Fils-Aime Or Tonton Bicha, A Proud Product Of Cap-Haitian

Comedian Actor Daniel Fils-Aime Or Tonton Bicha, A Proud Product Of Cap-Haitian

For saying something as such, i know that i am going to have many people to comment about it. I will say it again: My friend Daniel Fils-Aime who performs under the name of Tonton Bicha, is the type of people Haitians who can only come from Cap-Haitian or the North of Haiti.

I also know that your first answer would be that Ala Djole Nou Djole . I agree that we, the people from Cap Haitian are Djole. The reason we are is becaouse we are good, and in some instances, we are very good.

Someone like Tonton Bicha was not a coincidence. He is not an exception either. He falls right into what Cap-Haitian has been contributing to Haiti for years in the past

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