
Eglise Baptiste Haitienne Emmanuel

Eglise Baptiste Haitienne Emmanuel

located in the North of Little Haiti Miami, Florida, Haitian Emmanuel Baptist Church was established in 1973 by Rev. Wilner Maxy. He has been pastor to this Community Church since and became a leader in community involvement. Pastor Maxy believes in working to magnify God through worship and service.

Emmanuel Haitian Baptist Church cares for the spiritual needs of the community as well as its current physical needs. It does its part by providing a variety of outreach services for the elderly and children in the community.

The church has been involved in charitable work in the Haitian community in Miami and also in Haiti with food, clothing and education for the community.

The Church is currently working on an ambitious plan to build a multipurpose center that will serve parishioners and the local community to promote growth through educational, social, economic, health and wellness services to children, youth, adult and senior citizens. The services include: daycare, art, theater, education, tutoring and daily living survival tool

Eglise Baptiste Haitienne Emmanuel
7321 NE 2nd Avenue
Miami, FL 33138
Phone: 305-757-7515
Fax: 305-757-5573

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Martelly Bestows Commander Rank on Minister Turnbull

Martelly Bestows Commander Rank on Minister Turnbull

Minister John Turnbull of Baptist Haiti Mission (BHM) was honored with Commander of the Honor and Merit rank. President Martelly lauded Turnbull for his 75 years of service aiding at-risk communities. BHM started in 1943 and has developed into an organization, ministering to six departments.

Besides spiritual guidance given to communities, BHM programs cover education, health, environment, housing, and agricultural sectors, among many worthy works. BHM's field office has a staff of 80, who administer both church and secular programs.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Kompas Direc

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Kompas Direc

The Kompas Direc of Nemours Jean-Baptiste is a music style designed for dancing with its irresistible light, sinuous rhythms.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Jazz Des Jeunes

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Jazz Des Jeunes

With greatness comes competition. The career of Nemour Jean-Baptiste with his band Jazz des Jeunes has been faced by several challenges which notoriously include Webert Sicot, one of his former band mates.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Sicot

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Sicot

Sicot invented the Cadence Rampa music form which was similar to that of Nemour's compas.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Weber Sicot

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Weber Sicot

Here is a photo of Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Weber Sicot.
with his band Jazz des Jeunes faced the ordeal of challenging the then very popular Haitian musician Weber Sicot.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And The Creation Of Kompa Direc

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And The Creation Of Kompa Direc

Here is a photo of Nemour Jean-Baptiste And The Creation Of Kompa Direc.
, with the creation of Kompa Direc and Jazz des Jeunes
is known to be a highly-respected musicians of all time.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Rivalry With Weber Sicot

Nemour Jean-Baptiste And Rivalry With Weber Sicot

Nemours Jean-Baptiste, the accredited creator of Comp s, developed a friendly rivalry with W ber Sicot, whom he had played with in a band called Conjunto International at the beginning of their careers.

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Nemour Jean-Baptiste, The Father Of The Haitian Compas

Nemour Jean-Baptiste, The Father Of The Haitian Compas

Here is a photo of Nemour Jean-Baptiste, The Father Of The Haitian Compas.
is a highly-respected saxophonist, guitarist, and band leader. He is regarded as the father of the Haitian Compas

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