bois caiman

Haiti The Cereminy Of Bois Caiman - A Haitian History

Haiti The Cereminy Of Bois Caiman - A Haitian History

Here is a picture the ceremonie of Bois caiman. It is an intricate part of our fight for our independence. Some people feel that it was a voodoo ceremony and should not be included in our history

The Haitian revolution revers the entire cource of the world. The complicity of Frence and the United States after Haiti fought for his independence

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Bois Caiman Preparation for Slave Revolt

Bois Caiman Preparation for Slave Revolt

Bois Caïman holds significance as the place where plantation slaves prepared to revolt against their owners.

A Voodoo holy man presided over a ceremony, in which a black pig was slaughtered and its blood drunk to infuse rebels with mystical powers.

Within days of the ceremony in the forest of Saint-Domingue, rebels torched plantations on the Northern Plains. They burned, plundered, and slaughtered hundreds.

The Voodoo ceremony at Bois Caïman has been recognized as the inception of the Haitian Slave Revolt.

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Evangelist Pat Robertson Blaming Haiti For Earthquake - January 12, 2010

Evangelist Pat Robertson Blaming Haiti For Earthquake - January 12, 2010

Here is a photo of Evangelist Pat Robertson Blaming Haiti For Earthquake - January 12, 2010. It is reported that more than 230,000 people were killed. More than 3 million people were affected. Many homes and important structures were destroyed. A large number of people were left homeless and had to live under tents for several months

On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, devastating Port-au-prince.

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Dutty Boukman (Boukman Dutty), Ceremony of Bois Caiman

Dutty Boukman (Boukman Dutty), Ceremony of Bois Caiman

Dutty Boukman (Boukman Dutty), a self-educated Haitian slave born in Jamaica
He was one of the most visible early leaders of the Haitian Revolution who conducted the "Bois Caïman" religious ceremony in which a freedom covenant was affirmed, a catalyst to the slave uprising that marked the beginning of the Haïtian Revolution.
Boukman was killed by the French in November, just a few months after the beginning of the uprising. The French then publicly displayed Boukman's head in an attempt to dispel the aura of invincibility that Boukman had cultivated.

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The ceremony of Bois Caiman by slave leader Boukman Dutty

The ceremony of Bois Caiman by slave leader Boukman Dutty

The ceremony of Bois Caiman was organized by the slave leader Boukman Dutty. History revealed that the man was a voodoo priest and was able to motivate the slave to start their freedom revolution that would eventually end with the first Black independent nation in the western hemisphere
Within the actual Bois Caiman ceremony it is thought a spirit was often called upon to invoke the group. The group proceeded to sacrifice a live pig and all the participants at the ceremony drank the blood to show their determination to become free

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