Garry Bodeau, Deputy of Delmas (Bouclier)
Here is Garry Bodeau, Deputy of Delmas (Bouclier)
'Delmas' is a district in the West of the capital city Port-au-Prince, an urban continuation of the capital city. With its population growth, economic and social developments, it became a town in 1982. As per 2009 Census, it is the home of 359,451 people within an area of 27.74 square kilometers. Its population is only 15.26% of the metropolitan area of which 54.04% are women. It is a residence dominated area of affluent people with some shopping centers and supermarkets. 'Delmas' is the richest part of the capital city. Two main roadways of 'Delmas' are Autoroute de Delmas and Boulevard de Toussaint Louverture. These roads are numbered in a systematic way: even numbers on the south side and odd numbers on the north side. The residential areas on the hills are very popular and thus 100% of the city is urban. By its economic system, standard of living, infrastructure quality, it is one of the most equipped and developed areas in the country.
King Kino supports Steeve Khawly of BOUCLIER for President
Here is the Human Rights Activist and Lead Singer of the Haitian group Phantoms, King Kino as he supports Steeve Khawly of BOUCLIER for President
Lord Kinomorsa Divers (King Kino) is an exiled humanitarian and civil rights activist and a well known star musician, singer, songwriter. He was born to be a leader. His bright career graph started at a very early age with the singing of Gospel Music in church. He is a disciplined man, never forgot the teachings and disciplines he received in the church. In September 2012, he was an invited guest of the U.S President Obama for a special meeting. Recently, as per news dated October 9th, 2015, King Kino has announced his choice for the new Haitian President; it is Steeve Khawly from the BOUCLIER party. Khawly is a Bachelor in Industrial Engineering from the University of Miami. Ignoring many opportunities abroad knowing life could be easier elsewhere, he has decided to work in his father's trucking company in Haiti because, he says he loves his country and wants to make it better from within.
One of Two Page plan to make Jovenel Moise President
Here is the first page of a two page document that have been circulating on the net. From what we observed on the document, it was issued by the "Bureau de Strategie de Jovenel Moise. On the first page, the document with PHTK heading was addressed to President Michel Martelly. It is dated September 14, 2015. The document outlined the steps that need to be taken by the current government to bring the PHTK candidate Jovenel Moise toward his election on the first round.
Among the steps recommended is the removal of the candidacy of Steeve Khawly of Bouclier, removal of financial support of his candidacy. In addition, to put a stop at the financial support of the private sector to the candidacy of Bouclier. The document also discussed the fact that the current PHTK vote is split between Bouklier and PHTK
Bouclier accused of disrupting Haiti parliamentary elections
The political party close to the executive branch of government, Bouclier, is accused for the disruption of the first round of parliamentary elections August 9, 2015 in Haiti.
Opposition wants Cancellation of Parliamentary Elections in First Round
Two political parties, Rasin kan PEP and Struggling People's Organization, have called upon the Provisional Electoral Council to investigate disruptions and violence at the polls during Parliamentary elections.
Both parties assert PHTK, Shield, Ayiti, and other opposition parties perpetrated acts of violence, vandalism, and looting.
International observers like the EU and OAS say irregularities at the polls don't rise to the level that a need for canceling the first round of elections is necessary.
Nawoon Marcellus, candidate for Bouclier in Nord
Here is a picture of Mr. Nawoon Marcellus, candidate for Bouclier in the Nord Department
Nawoon Marcellus First Muslim in Parliament. He served as a member of the Chamber of Deputies (COD) under the Aristide administration 2001-2004. Originally he was a member of the disbanded Lavalas Family party.
Marcellus enjoyed the achievement of one who professed his Muslim faith as being the first person of his religion to be elected to the COD.
Muslims in Haiti number 4,000-5,000 and have become identifiable in recent years, living peacefully side-by-side with Catholics and Voodooists.