One of Two Page plan to make Jovenel Moise President
Here is the first page of a two page document that have been circulating on the net. From what we observed on the document, it was issued by the "Bureau de Strategie de Jovenel Moise. On the first page, the document with PHTK heading was addressed to President Michel Martelly. It is dated September 14, 2015. The document outlined the steps that need to be taken by the current government to bring the PHTK candidate Jovenel Moise toward his election on the first round.
Among the steps recommended is the removal of the candidacy of Steeve Khawly of Bouclier, removal of financial support of his candidacy. In addition, to put a stop at the financial support of the private sector to the candidacy of Bouclier. The document also discussed the fact that the current PHTK vote is split between Bouklier and PHTK
Read more about Haiti election 2015, PHTK, Jovenel Moïse, Bouclier, Politic