Crossing collapsed Bridge On Route 9 over Riviere Grise
Here is a picture of the collapsed Bridge On Route 9 over Riviere Grise. The population has managed to adjust to the new reality.
A bridge along Route 9 in Cite Soleil partially collapsed on March 18, 2016 at around 8:30 am at the passage of a dump truck carrying gravel. About two months after the collapse, the US Army Corps of Engineers was engaged to assess the condition of the bridge and determine possible causes of the collapse. As per their reports, it was revealed that the bridge built in 1997 by the U.S Army was designed to withstand a load capacity of 30 tons, but it used to carry regular loads beyond 40 tons. Every day, about 12,000 vehicles used to cross the bridge before the collapse. Poor maintenance, overloading, existing damages and lack of supervisions were the possible causes of the collapse. The investigating team has recommended that the Olympic Park side (North side) of the collapsed wing and the side of Cité Soleil (South Bay), unaffected in the collapse, both should be replaced by similar modular steel with increased load capacity.
collapsed of Cite Soleil bridge along Route 9 in Haiti
Here is a picture of a collapsed bridge in Cite Soleil along Route 9 in Haiti.
The recent collapse of a bridge (Wout Nave Bridge) on Rivière Grise shows how poorly Haiti's road system is planned and managed. The bridge partially collapsed on March 18, 2016 at around 8:30 am at the passage of a dump truck carrying gravel. This structure used to carry over hundred heavily loaded trucks everyday that was built to support a load of twenty tons only! An investigation suggests that another possible cause of the collapse could be the stolen bolts of the bridge which were found missing. The accident was predictable as this twenty year old structure was never maintained properly by the Ministry of Public Works.
Bridge On Route 9 over Riviere Grise collapsed
Here is a picture of the Bridge on Route 9 over Riviere Grise that collapsed in March, 2016.
On Friday, March 18, 2016, a bridge over Rivière Grise on Route 9, connecting Cité Soleil to the National #1, partially collapsed while a truck was passing carrying gravel over the bridge. It was a metal bridge, 62 meters long and 20 meters wide. Surprisingly, everyday, over hundred heavily loaded trucks pass over this bridge which was built to withstand a maximum load of twenty tons only! No casualty was reported. Signs of road diversions have been posted. This recent disaster is an example of poor quality craftsmanship and supervision and that indicates how the public money in Haiti is managed. A primary investigation suggests that the possible cause of the collapse could be the stolen bolts of the bridge which were found missing.
Bridge over Grand Goave, Haiti
This is a picture of the bridge of Grand-Goâve.
Grand-Goâve virtually collapsed from the 2010 earthquake. The international community responded with relief aid and participation in reconstruction projects.
But today Grand-Goâve faces gang and citizen violence. It has gotten so bad citizens fear leaving their homes.
Deputy Laporte held a town hall meeting to discuss the problem and develop an action plan to end the violence.
A number of plans are under discussion, and all that is needed is a consensus on which is the best one.
Bridge in département de la grand-Anse
Jérémie, situated on the north coast of the Tiburon Peninsula, was established in the mid-1700s. Its port is part of Gulf Gonâve, and began exporting staples, timber wood, and raw hide in 1807.
Mulatto-elite Haitians settled Jérémie and produced writers, poets, and historians. For this reason, Jérémie has been labeled "City of Poets". Two districts comprise Jérémie, Haut-Ville, and Basse-Ville.
François Duvalier ruined its economy in the mid-sixties when he closed the port as retaliation for criticism of his repressive policies.
Limbé River Victim of Deforestation
Limbé, a town known for a healthy agricultural industry, is part of a dangerous trend, caused by vanishing tree cover. Large areas of barren ground suffer soil erosion when the rains come; and Limbé River's flow has slowed as a result.
Without Limbé River to help irrigate crops, more crops are failing, affecting the economy of Limbe's 32,200 residents.
Limbé still contains more tree cover than most of Haiti, but how long before more deforestation occurs?