Creole Choir of Cuba

The Creole Choir of Cuba celebrate the history of their Haitian descendants

The Creole Choir of Cuba celebrate the history of their Haitian descendants

Here is a picture of the famous group by the name of Creole Choir of Cuba. They are Cubans of Haitian descendant comprised of: Rogelio Torriente, Fidel Miranda, Teresita Miranda, Marcelo Luis, Dalio Vital, Emilia Diaz Chavez, Yordanka Fajardo, Irian Montejo, Marina Fernandes and Yara Diaz..

For decades, thousand of Haitians fled to the isles of nearby Cuba, and today the seeds have borne musical fruit. The Creole Choir of Cuba is made up of 10 members who are more than eager to show off their Creole and Haitian heritage. The passion for Haitian sounds was kicked into gear when, in 1996, they visited the neighboring country to take in their first Haitian festival. Since then they have been infusing their cuban ancestral beats with those of the country of their descendants.

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