Michel Stéphane Bruno assassinated in his car at Puits Blain 17
Here is a picture of Michel Stéphane Bruno who was assassinated in his car at Puits Blain 17.
Michel Stéphane Bruno (born May 8, 1974; assassinated June 15, 2016) was a Haitian consultant in Information Systems. He was passionate about technology and the knowledge economy-- a system of consumption and production that is based on intellectual capital. Over a decade, Bruno, a humble and modest genius had worked in the field of technology at national, regional and global level. With a diverse background, he had worked on applying ICT solutions (information and communications technology) to business, e-Governance, mobile technologies, e-business and m-commerce. His ultimate goal was to establish a vibrant, solutions-oriented IT environment which would create jobs and opportunities and help the emergence of a new class of entrepreneurs rooted in innovation. On Wednesday, between 8:00 and 8:30 am, he was shot dead by two motorcycle borne assailants at Puits Blain 17. When the bandits fired, he tried to flee with his Jeep Land Cruiser but received a single bullet and lost the control of his vehicle that collided with a wall. With him, Haiti has lost a visionary and creative genius, an amazing human being.
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