Dadou Pasquet and Tico Pasquet together

Dadou Pasquet and Tico Pasquet together

Here is a picture of two talented brothers Dadou Pasquet and Tico Pasquet. The two brothers Dadou and tico were born in Haiti to a family of musicians. Early in life the family moved to New York where they found their place in the New York based Haitian Kompa movement of the 60.

Dadou Pasquet stayed with the popular group Tabou Combo for 6 years before he decided to create his own Magnum Band with the slogan "La Seule Difference". Claude "Tico" Pasquet was a drummer and percussionist.

Read more about Magnum Band, Dadou Pasquet, Tico Pasquet, Music of Haiti - Kompa or Compas

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