Garry Bodeau, Deputy of Delmas (Bouclier)
Here is Garry Bodeau, Deputy of Delmas (Bouclier)
'Delmas' is a district in the West of the capital city Port-au-Prince, an urban continuation of the capital city. With its population growth, economic and social developments, it became a town in 1982. As per 2009 Census, it is the home of 359,451 people within an area of 27.74 square kilometers. Its population is only 15.26% of the metropolitan area of which 54.04% are women. It is a residence dominated area of affluent people with some shopping centers and supermarkets. 'Delmas' is the richest part of the capital city. Two main roadways of 'Delmas' are Autoroute de Delmas and Boulevard de Toussaint Louverture. These roads are numbered in a systematic way: even numbers on the south side and odd numbers on the north side. The residential areas on the hills are very popular and thus 100% of the city is urban. By its economic system, standard of living, infrastructure quality, it is one of the most equipped and developed areas in the country.
Read more about deputee, depute, deputy, deputies, delmas, Chamber of Deputy, HAITIAN DEPUTY, Chamber of Deputies, Bouclier, Gary Bodeau, People