dominincan republic

Top Products Exported by Haiti

Top Products Exported by Haiti

Haiti is considered to be a consuming society. Most of the products consumed in the country are imported and consequently cost the country a lot of resources. Some of the most frequently imported products by Haiti in 2008 include: Rice: $199.3 million, Wheat: $64.6 million, Pharmaceutical preparations: $40.3 million, Meat and poultry: $33.8 million and tther foods: $26.8 million

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List of products exported by Haiti

List of products exported by Haiti

Haiti is not a country that focuses on export. It is considered to be among the countries with a weak export capacity. If you take the year 2008, Haiti exported for a total of $490 million worth of goods. Their primary customers include the United States (70.7%), Dominican Republic (8.9%), and Canada (3.1%). Some of the products include: apparel, oils, cocoa, mangoes, coffee and some manufactured goods.

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Haiti Export in 2010 compared to Dominincan Republic, Jamaica, Cuba

Haiti Export in 2010 compared to Dominincan Republic, Jamaica, Cuba

Here is an analysis of the export in Haiti, compared to other Caribbean islands. According to the figures, in 2010, Haiti exported a total of $530.4 million worth of goods. If you want to compare this with a country like Jamaica, their number is much superior. Jamaica exported for $1.376 billion for the same period. Our neighbor, the Dominican Republic exported for $6.598 billion worth of goods and services. Cuba exported $3.816 billion worth of goods and services in 2010

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