Duvalier Crime
Rebel Marcel Numa and Louis Drouin executed by Francois Duvalier Duvalier
The execution of Rebels Marcel Numa and Louis Drouin by the forces of Francois Duvalier regime. This was an event that probably marked many people who were living in Haiti in 1964. Children were released from school all over the country to come and watch this horrifying act, the execution of Rebel Marcel Numa and Louis Drouin by a firing squade.
On November 12, 1964, Francois 'Papa Doc' Duvalier commanded the execution of rebels Louis Drouin and Marcel Numa, the final two members of the ill-fated group which had been campaigning against him. By then, the other resistance members had been killed during combat. That day, offices of the government closed their blinds while students were pulled from schools to witness as the two men were tied to posts made of pine, read their last rites, and shot by firing squad.
Protest against Duvalier Regime on the day of Jean Claude Duvalier's Funeral
Here is a picture of some people who took the opportunity to protest against the Duvalier regime on the very same day of the funeral of Jean Claude Duvalier in Haiti.
The group wanted to remind people of the crime this regime has committed in Haiti and how so many families suffered and are still suffering as a consequence
According to some in the protest Duvalier regime was a regime of blood, terror. The regime repressed all forms of expression and freedom in Haiti.
Kreyol Pale, Kreyol Kompran
Gade yon group mou ki te ape proteste Samdi-a pandan fineray Jean Claude Duvalier Nan Por-au-Prince. Moun yo te profite evenman sa pou yo te fe moun sonje ke Divalye regime sa se yon ban kriminel, e ke se pa de ni twa moun yo manje
Jean Claude Duvalier in Court for the first time
The historic appearance in Court by Jean Claude Duvalier. This took place on February 28, 2013 in Port-au-Prince. Former Haitian dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier accused for corruption and human rights abuses came to court for the first time.
During the Court procedure, the 61-year-old Duvalier said when asked about his role as head of state from 1971 to 1986. He responded: "Under my authority, children could go to school, there was no insecurity."
The Victims in Court facing Jean Claude Duvalier Face to Face
This is one of the most historic moment in the history of Haiti. Former Haitian dictator Jean Claude Duvalier came to court to answer the accusations for the abuses taken place under his government.
Several alleged victims were present in the courtroom. Many of them expressed satisfaction that Duvalier had finally appeared to answer to his acts.
One of his victims, Alix Fils-Aime, said:
"He will have to face history in court, just like other dictators around the world are facing,"
Jean Claude facing his victims in Court
Jean Claude Duvalier who had boycotted three previous court hearings, finally came to court in Port-au-Prince on February 28, 2013. In front of a panel of three judges in a packed and courtroom, Duvalier was asked by the judges about several cases of detention of political prisoners. As the process was going on inside the courtroom, hundreds of Duvalier supporters some dancing and chanting in favor of the former dictator