Place Geffrard in Haiti in 1865

Place Geffrard in Haiti in 1865

Here is a picture of Place Geffrard in Haiti in 1865 created in honor of President Fabre-Nicolas Geffrard

Guillaume Fabre Nocolas Geffrard, Haiti's president from 1859 to 1867, was born a mulatto in September 1906. A military man by profession, Geffrard rose to power after taking part in a coup against Faustin Soulouque, former emperor of Haiti turned president. Geffrard's aim was to put power back into the hands of the elite of color, and he quickly took to pleasing the peasant population by ending a long dispute with the Roman Catholic Church, a move which aided education in the country greatly, and renewing the sale of lands owned by the state.

Read more about Fabre Geffrard, Place Geffrard, History

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