flag day
Student told to remove Haitian flag bandana at school
Here is a case where authorities at Orange County Middle School told a Haitian student to remove Haitian flag bandana at school.
Mitchpaelle Quetant, a student at the Meadowbrook Middle School in Orange County was upset when she was told by the school administrators to take off a bandana of the Haitian flag while she was going to celebrate the Haitian Flag day on May 18th. She was sent to school suspension when she refused to take off the flag. As per the school authority's dictum, the national flag was not the cause of the problem, but wearing bandana on campus was against the conduct of the school. The school principal has shown the Eyewitness News representatives that there were many students wearing shirts showing the Haitian flag and they were never asked to change. However, frustrated Quetant has said, the authority don't let us come to school and display our pride for our country.
Cap-Haitian in the 1960s
Here is a souvenir picture of the city of Cap-Haitian in the 1960s. This picture was actually taken from a video of "Fete du Dapeau" in 1964. If you know cap-Haitian at the time, this parade would run the entire day, starting with "Tedeum" at the Cathedral and the possession would parade in the streets of Cap-Haitian until it reaches the Futball stadium where all kind of exhibitions take place
Haitian Flag Day in Cap-Haitien - May 18, 1964
This is a celebration of Haiti Flag back in the 1960s.
Former minister of health and labor François Duvalier, known as "Papa Doc" became the president of Haiti
He was president of Haiti from 1957 until his death in 1971.
Francois Duvalier was able to remain in power until his death by enlisting an organization known as Tontons Macoutes, also known as "Bogeymen". Tonton Macoutes were responsible to maintain order by terrorizing the populace.