Agreement between Michel Martelly, Jocelerme Privert, Cholzer Chancy
Here is a picture of President Michel Martelly and the Presidents of both Houses of Parliament: Senator Jocelerme Privert (Senate) and Deputy Cholzer Chancy (Lower House) as they are getting ready to sign the agreement.
On Saturday, February 6th, 2016, at the National Palace, President Martelly President Martelly along with the Presidents of both the Houses of Parliament, Senator Jocelerme Privert (Senate) and Deputy Cholzer Chancy (Lower House) signed an agreement for institutional continuity at the end of his Presidential mandate of the Republic in the absence of an elected president and for the continuation of the electoral process that started on August 9, 2015. On February 7th, Martelly made an address to the nation before the National Assembly announcing the end of his tenure and departure from power. However, as per G8 political platform, the agreement seeks to postpone a crisis that must be solved immediately. They are of the opinion that two of the signatories, Privert and Chancy can never be empowered to sign such an accord without being nominated through a majority vote. As per former President Martelly, it was imperative to make such political agreement for creating political stability and maintaining social peace. However, the G8 believes this agreement completely disregards the general consensus and protests of the common people and attempts to validate the 2015 election with the reinstatement of former army.
Read more about michel martelly, Government, Cholzer Chancy, Jocelerme Privert, agreement, Government