Mother Cabrini, Saint of the Green Card
Here is a picture of the Catholic Saint that means so much for immigrants in such of a better life in the United States. Mother Cabrini is the Saint of Green Card
Did you know that there is in fact a Saint for Green Card?
November 13 has been declared the Feast Day for Mother Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini,
Mother Cabrini arrived in New York from Italy in 1889. Her original mission was to aid Italian immigrants. She later created orphanages, schools, pharmacies. She was credited for a variety of Immigrant Services such as English as a Second Language classes, legal support and help with citizenship applications
Mother Frances Cabrini was born in Sant'Angelo Lodigiano in the province of Lombardy, northern Italy, on July l5, 1850. She arrived in New York in March, 1889, off the boat from Europe with over one thousand immigrants ready to begin a new life. She established sixty-seven schools, hospitals, and other institutions of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, worldwide. At the age of 67 she died in Chicago's Columbus Hospital on December 22, 1917. In 1933, her remains were moved to the chapel of Mother Cabrini High School and following her canonization in 1946, the place became a spot of pilgrimage. She was the Universal Patron of Immigrants in the Catholic Church, well known for her love of God and her service to His people. Today, the Shrine continues as a center of welcome for new immigrants and pilgrims of many nationalities who come to pray and reflect. Recently, when the Feast Day for Mother Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini was being celebrated during the second weekend of November at her Fort Washington shrine, amid many immigrant worshippers, Father Julian Jagudilla who is from Manila, while presiding over the Sunday's ceremony, he said, the politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, should stop making immigration a pawn. Instead of offering the poor immigrants what they want, they are playing the game in their own interest. He indicated over 200 pending appeals to his church-- ranging between people without status to parents petitioning for children, lying undecided. He considers the current immigration policy, even from the economic standpoint is senseless.
Read more about catholic, Immigration, citizenship, Catholic Religion, newsletter, Saint, Mother Cabrini, Green Card, Immigration Service, Religion