Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Miragoâne
Hospital Sainte Therese De Miragoane is next to Miragoâne and is located in Nippes department, Haiti. It is lying in a dire poor state for past few years that needs immediate government's intervention. In the early 2010, Dr. Yves Chouteau on behalf of a special envoy organized by Medical Support Group, Haiti (GAMA) in an order to encourage balanced development of medical facilities between the capital and other cities had concluded that this is a simple big clinic without any hospital structure. Whatever remained then whether medicine, instrument or medical professionals--they were all in depleted, obsolete and inoperative state. The hospital building was damaged, some parts were collapsed. Operation rooms were hardly functional. Even items for first-aid were not readily available. The facility once used to receive 20,000 to 25,000 patients per year including 6,000 pregnant women with diseases such as malnutrition, diarrhea and respiratory infections in children. The hospital also used to receive HIV / AIDS patients with a higher prevalence rate of 9%, compared to 4% in the rest of the country. Internal revenue per month was between 120,000 and 150,000 gourdes at Hospital Sainte Therese De Miragoane while the actual expenditure was more than double. The hospital had no alternative but to incur piles of debts to its suppliers.
More Hospitals in the region:
Zanmi Lasante, Hospital in Cange
Hospital Sainte-Thérèse de Hinche
Hospital Universitaire de Mirebalais, Mirebalais
Read more about hospital, Miragoane, Emergency, Health